Thursday 21 December 2023

914 - SMALL

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughters' version:

Robert Collins was in his secret LAb. He was creating a new potion and was thinking aloud. The ingredients had been written on a blackboard with some chalk. “Now time for my lunch!” said Robert, gleefully rubbing his hands together. “Oh bother! I’ve a stain down my white top!” he mumbled. “Must be from my breakfast orange juice”. After his lunch, which was a ham baguette and an apple, Robert got back to his potions. Half an hour later, Robert had finished all the hard work and had poured it into a small phial. Now all he had to do is wait. As he waited, he went back to his other hobby to inlay some jewels onto his potion box. Now, time for the potion test. He opened the door to the next room where he had a dragon in chains. “Alakazam”, shouted Robert, as he threw the potion at the dragon. “The dragon has been slain”, he shouted with joy.

Dragon in Chains
Dragon in Chains

This is my version:

Pete had had a briLliAnt idea for a new consumer product and spent hours on developing a test sample. As he was heading to the Patent Office to protect his idea, he read in today's newspaper that Marks & Spencer had just released the exact same thing onto the market. "What's the point of going any further - my concept is dead, slain by the giant" he said aloud, not caring what others on the bus thought. He got off the bus and caught the next bus heading back home. With nothing to crack on with on his new invention, he went to his man-shed and proceeded to etch some designs into his jewellery box by pouring a strong chemical from a phial so that the box would be ready for applying a decorative inlay later. "I'll just have to chalk up today's disappointment to experience", he thought. As he awoke the next morning, a small germ of an idea came to him for his next invention; a smile crept over his face.

Pete's failed invention
Pete's failed invention

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