Friday 22 December 2023

915 - BUILT

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughters' version:

“Oh! Andrew! Off your phone and get into the Christmas spirit!”, Mum shouted as she nestLed The baubles onto the tree. “Mum!”, called Andrew back, “I am in the Christmas spirit see! I’m listening to ‘Deck the halls’ I can turn it up if you like?”. “Oh it’s fine” yelled mum quickly and alertly. But Andrew turned it up anyway and soon the house was full of jolly music. 'Deck the halls with boughs of holly…' “Carlos” bellowed dad suspiciously, “why are there ready salted crisps under your bed?” Carlos came out of the bathroom blushing. “I didn’t do it” he stammered. “I think he did, I can feel his guilt!”, Zoey whispered to me. “I built a tower!”, gurgled baby James in his babyish voice.

Baubles for Xmas Tree
Baubles for Xmas Tree

This is my version:

GeraLdine wanTed to decorate her house properly for Xmas, but there was one thing missing. That night she crept into her neighbour's garden and cut off a superb piece of holly and was able to complete her decorations with it. But the next morning she didn't feel elated, but uncomfortable. There was no satisfaction with the decorations. Eventually she realised it was guilt weighing heavily on her. So she baked a splendid cake and took it round to her neighbour. She was invited in and, during conversation, she told the neighbour what she had done. The neighbour was very good about it and said how kind she was to make the cake. The conversation carried on for a good long while in good spirits. When Geraldine got home, she felt content that she had built again the relationship with her neighbour.

Someone else stealing the holly!
Someone else stealing the holly!

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