Monday 25 December 2023

918 - GRACE

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughters' version:

One wet rAiny morning, Kim, Lisa and JakE weRe saying grace for their butter and jam toast. 5 minutes ago, dad had said we were to visit Aunt Jenny’s grave in our spare time. The children were already very weary but they heard they could have a chocolate if they did it. Jake even said he’d rather graze with a zebra than go, but he agreed to 5 chocolates. Dad said he has 10 choc chips and they had to share! He looked at his watch and said you have to reach for them when we come back and put them on a high shelf.

On the hunt
On the hunt

This is my version:

The wise old womAn gavE Richard some advice. "You have to row across this lake to the scary island", she said. "When you reach the far shore, I expect you'll be weary, so sit down and spare yourself for the rest of the journey." As Richard sat there, he heard voices from people walking through the wood. "I reckon Richard will be here some day soon to claim his share of the treasure. That would have grave consequences for him if he did", growled one of the men. Richard quietly made his way to a narrow cave where he could hide, cutting his hand on the sharp rocks as he did so. Once he was in the cave he took a look. "Oh, it's only a graze", he mumbled. That night he gingerly came out of his cave and wandered what to do next. In the moonlight he caught sight of a graceful lady approaching him. "Hello Richard", she said soothingly, "My name is Grace. I have your share of the treasure carefully hidden. In fact it's at the back of the cave! But you have to take me with you - I have to get off this hostile island". "Willingly", exclaimed Richard. Six months later they were wed!"

Richard meets Grace
Richard meets Grace

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