Sunday 24 December 2023

917 - SLOPE

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughters' version:

"Mother!" yelLEd Darcey (the middle child). "Yes darling?" called back her mother. "I'm hungry!" she shouted. "OK then, we can watch a cooking video."  "What? you mean the whole thing?", she said raising an eyebrow. "Oh wait, let me join you as well" cried Shakira (the eldest) rushing in. "I've just finished watching the cat clone!". "Right then, lets start while I feed Cayla" said mum softly. "Look!" read out Shakira part way through, "It says you need a clove of garlic". "So it does", replied their mother, "I've some in the cupboard". After the video ended, Shakira went back to watch the Cat Clone and Darcey followed. "Look!, they fell down the slope!" cried out Darcey. "Hush! I'm trying to listen!" hissed Shakira.

A pair of closed cats
A pair of closed cats

This is my version:

CLivE wanted the whole world to know about his new perfume he'd created as he thought it was sensational. His test sample was a strange mixture of 5ml of clove oil and the oil extracted from a garlic clove together with several secret ingredients. As he was going in to the Patent Office he passed Pete (see 914 - SMALL) who'd been registering his latest invention. "I want to make sure that no big corporations can clone this - how do I go about it", he asked the patent officer. "That's not easy, or it's impossible to do.", replied the officer. "It would probably cost mega-millions to flood the market with your product and gain a large brand-loyal base of users to keep out the competition. Then when they consider trying to clone it, the cost for them would be prohibitive." Clive's shoulders began to slope downwards as the impossibility of him achieving his aim sank in.

Clive making his perfume
Clive making his perfume

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