Tuesday 9 January 2024

933 - FINAL

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughters' version with her artwork:

“Why I do believe that it’s the final day of the year!" gasped Martha suddenly looking at her phone. “Um yeh! I mean how did you not know? It's like the first thing that should come into your mind!”, cried her brother rolling his eyes. They were staying in a posh hotel called ‘The slain Dragon’ and they were now in the restaurant waiting for their dinner. They were in Florida, Martha, John, Cassie, Mama and Baba. For dinner, Martha, John and Cassie had salmon nestled in lettuce and dotted with salad dressing, Mama and Baba had a mackerel enrobed with salad. The waitress told us that the fishermen were surrounded by a shoal of fish when they caught these. For dessert, they all had a mouth-watering apple pie with whipped cream. As they bit into it, the thick, velvety cream (that had been piped on ever so neatly) and the chunks of apple melted on their tongues, all they could say was “mmm” until all their plates were empty! John even licked his plate clean! After they had left the restaurant, they all trotted back to their hotel room since it was getting dark. Once they were inside, the children slumped onto the double bed. “Nothing like the plain old Premier Inn!”, sighed mama closing the satin curtains. ”Agreed!”, said baba while closing the other crimson curtains. Mama's phone rang as the old song with the fugal finale played.

On holiday in Florida

This is my version:

A Long time Ago the villagers were in dread of the nearby dragon, so much so that they had very restricted scope for farming or foraging and were frequently hungry. The village chief called a meeting as a result of which a group of strong people set off to find the dragon. When the dragon had been slain the village rejoiced. Once the celebrations had finished it became plain to them that they needed to expand their farming and foraging areas. A couple of brothers went exploring and came across a lake. They managed to catch one fish which they cautiously ate. Living off the occasional fish meant they could explore the area. Then they thought about better ways to get some of the fish in the lake for the village. They learnt so much, including how to build a boat and make nets. Eventually it was time for the test. They rowed out into the lake and lowered their nets. After what seemed like an age, the net became really heavy as a shoal of fish were caught in it. Somehow they managed to get the catch back to the village. Everyone was pleased to see them, though they were most curious about what they'd brought back, never having come across fish before. The village cooks set to and found out how best to cook or preserve the fish. That evening the village had a scrumptious meal. The musicians started leading the villagers in celebration, playing fugal music which they had recently got the hang of. The final event of the evening was the honouring of the two brothers.


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