Friday 9 February 2024

964 - PLACE

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughters' version:

Me and my mAte Skid, are cLassroom pEts. My name is Cinema and we are both tortoises. Today, the kids were doing this flower project where you take apart the petals and stem and see what else you find. Someone found the sepal and got a decal with the word 'EXCELLENT' on it. Then, while the teacher was writing a sentence on the blackboard, Bill, the naughtiest boy in the form, threw a paper plane at Mrs Dale. It flew all over the place and the tip hit Mrs Dale in the head! Mrs Dale was annoyed and asked the person who did it to raise their hand, but no-one owned up.

The next lesson was about elands. Each child had a picture of an eland on it. Then she gave them loads of facts about them. One of them was that they live in a weald. At the end of the day, I said to Skid, being a classroom pet is soooo boring! He agreed with me as we watched some kids pedal towards the gate to go home.

Bill about to cause classroom disturbance
Bill about to cause classroom disturbance

This is my version:

LArry had dEcorated the case of his mobile with a decal on the front and on the back. On the back he had applied one depicting parts of a daisy including a sepal and on the front he'd added a picture of his favourite antelope, an eland. One fine summer day he set off for a countryside tour into the open weald out of town. He'd driven to the remote spot then got his pedal cycle off the cycle rack and set off on his adventure. Part way round his planned route a light plane was flying low with a spluttering engine and, as Larry watched, landed in a relatively flat place in the weald. He cycled over to make sure the occupants were ok. They were shaken, but unharmed.

Light Plane Emergency Landing
Light Plane Emergency Landing

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