Saturday 10 February 2024

965 - STIFF

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughters' version:

Mistletoe was a badger and he and his family were planning to find a new home. After a loT of walking, they arrived at the perfect tree hollow. Somehow, Mistletoe had picked up a large stick on the way and was now clinging to it. No matter how many times his family tried to stimy him from leaving the stick behind, he refused and hugged it more tightly. Everybody was feeling a bit stiff from the journey and Mistletoe's brother Domino's right knee joint was feeling extra sore. The air around them felt thick and heavy so they all drifted off immediately. The next morning they met a squirrel called Doc Smith and found out that he lived in their tree too!

Mistletoe and Domin
Mistletoe and Domin

This is my version:

The two tall brothers put aside their differences and decided on a joint effort to stick together on making their new venture work. They visited the workshop of the town smith to ask for him to build the complex metal parts of their project. In the light of the two tall brothers standing over him, the normally recalcitrant smith agreed to do their work urgently. In fact, by the time the two brothers had driven off to go and play golf, he had selected his first piece of thick metal to start work on for them. The two brothers enjoyed their round of golf, although their new resolve to work together was sorely tested when one of the brothers had a stimy on the last hole which somewhat decided the round. "I need a stiff drink to get over this", he said as the two headed to the clubhouse.

Oh, no, a stimy!
Oh, no, a stimy!

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