Friday 23 February 2024

978 - HEAVY

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughter's version:

TodAy, I awoke to a sunny, warm morning whEre the flowers were all swaying merrily. After rubbing my heavy eyelids, I trotted downstairs and helped myself to a mug of sunflower tea and a slice of banana on toast. Then, I brought out my deck chair and sat in the shade of a big apple tree. "Mrs Hedgehog! I have a letter for you!" called Toby, the postman hare. I then opened the envelope and read out the letter. This is what it said:

Dear Mrs Hedgehog, we would like you to come to the Great Woodland Hall where we will film you and you can tell us about your life. Please be ready with a speech. Friends and family can come to watch, but they need a ticket. Tickets are ever so cheap. Some are free even! From Judge Lynette.

"How strange for them to call on me! Why not get someone famous, not an ordinary hedgehog", I thought to myself. I started to write my speech and called my friend Alice to help me practice. When she arrived and we had settled down, I started reading my speech out loud to her. "Thank you kindly for choosing me. I would like to start off with sharing about my life as a young and as a teenage hedgehog. It started when...oh no, I need to amend that part!" I went on till it was perfect and got a clap from Alice. "Surprise!" cried Alice suddenly holding out a box of shortbread. I thanked her as we opened it and each took one. I took one in the shape of a squirrel. After that, we were so full, we had to heave ourselves into my car and drive to Woodland Hall.

The gathering for the cermony for Mrs Hedgehog's speech gets under way
The gathering for the cermony for Mrs Hedgehog's speech gets under way

This is my version:

AndrEw loved being outside but would often find himself sunburnt. "Andrew, you'll have to amend your ways or you could get seriously unwell", his mother said to him, "you must always wear strong sunscreen." One day Andrew didn't come home for lunch so his mum went to find him. She came across him fast asleep under a tree in the shade. She coughed gently and Andrew awoke. As he came to, he became aware of a shape in front of him. As the 'shape' became clear he gasped "Hello mum; I think that cheap chocolate I had must have made me doze off." Mum gave him a heave to get him to his feet. "Time for lunch", she commanded. "I must take this home with me", retorted Andrew, picking up a heavy rucksack full of his findings. "What are you going to do with all that?", exclaimed mum. "I'm going to build a moonrocket" was Andrew's reply.

Andrew's inspiration for his moonrocket
Andrew's inspiration for his moonrocket

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