Sunday 25 February 2024

980 - PIPER

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughter's version:

At owl acadEmy boaRding school, there were first form, second form, third form, upper forth, fifth and sixth form. There were different towers, North, East, South and West towers and classes with different things for different age groups. In the school grounds, there were tennis and lacrosse pitches and courts, a wonderful swimming pool with rocks around and a diving board where the diver will get a good launch into the air and flap then put your wings together and dive. There was a baking room and each term, owls will take turns in having each role like the mixer or the wiper of surfaces after baking. Each term the owls are sent a fiver each from their parents which they have to save. On the weekends, they can go in pairs to town to buy any other things. Every time an owl goes into the village, they would always meet the old piper who is standing outside. When they walk into the little tea shop, there is a TV in there either showing chariot racing, where a squirrel whips a horse and races a chariot, a cooking show, or sometimes a cartoon show. In the owl academy gardens, there were all kinds of different plants, like roses and daisies, and buttercups. At this time of year, you are most likely to find a scion of your favourite plant.

Owl academy - the boring bits
Owl academy - the boring bits

This is my version:

BERyl wanted to learn to be a gardener and asked the local nursery for some work experience. "Ok", said the owner, "Jack here can show you how to prune off a scion and turn it into a new plant. Beryl was a quick learner and the owner was pleased. "Here's a fiver for your work today. If you'd like to come on a regular basis I can pay you 5% more than the minimum wage. The nursery only had an old towel to use as a wiper to clean her messy hands, so wasn't too sure about the offer. Beryl was quite an introvert and found it hard to be a mixer with strangers, so she politely declined the offer to join the others after work for a visit to the pub. She became a bit fearful when walking home on her own as there seemed to be someone following her. The stranger caught up with her and introduced himself. "I just want to see that you are ok", he said, "is it ok for me to escort you to your home?" Beryl recognised him as a fellow gardener, Louis. "That's very kind of you, yes please". In their conversation on the way she learned that Louis was a keen diver and that he played in a pipe band. When she got home, her parents were intrigued to hear about the day. "Hold on a mo", said her mother as she sets to and whips up some hot chocolates for them all. "I would quite like to go to the village hall tomorrow where Louis is performing as a piper with his fellow band members", exclaimed Beryl. Her parents were pleased that she was interested in going out instead of hiding away at home. She enjoyed next evening and was once again escorted home by Louis.

Beryl at work in the nursery
Beryl at work in the nursery

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