Tuesday 5 March 2024

989 - FLAME

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughter's version:

Mr and Mrs Otter were just Leaving the cAmpsite to havE their brilliantly planned day. First, they were going to race across the glade, walk along the cliff path, and reach the beach where they were to have a wonderful picnic. Then get ice creams, not to mention, s'mores back at the campsite. So they set off, over the glade, along the cliff path and to the beach. Mr Otter almost tripped over a large pile of shale that was in the middle of the path. They finally found a good, sunny spot to have their picnic. They had a delicious picnic with a variety of different sandwiches, a fruit salad and a salad filled with freshly grown vegetables and to end, a vanilla ice cream each with a chocolate flake on top. By the time they arrived back at the campsite, their friends had the marshmallows and biscuits ready. Mr Otter helped light the first and when the time it was ready, they toasted the marshmallows while the flame of the fire flickered higher.

And to finish, toasted marshmallows
And to finish, toasted marshmallows

This is my version:

LAst yEar an explorer came to the region where there is now an industrial works. He was on the hunt for suitable shale deposits for his company. Having become weary, he sat down in a pleasant glade for a break. He put some more tobacco flake in his pipe and set it alight, tossing aside the lit match. He really ought not to have been surprised, but the ground started to burn very close to him and he jumped to his feet in alarm. There was quite a distinct smoky flame above a small hole in the ground. Excitedly the explorer realised he'd come across the oily shale deposit he'd been after and he hurried back to where he could telegraph the locations of his findings. Now the place is a hive of activity where shale gas is extracted and exported.

Shale Gas Extraxtion Plant
Shale Gas Extraxtion Plant

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