Wednesday 6 March 2024

990 - HUNCH

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughter's version:

Cinema was a guinea pig and her partner was called Blossom. They had just been bought from the pet shop and were settling in marvellously. Well at least Cinema was. Blossom however, fussed too much about her fur and her looks and about how much the hutch looked. She really was very peculiar, thought the sensible Cinema. Cinema loved her new home but missed her friends at the pet shop. Snowy, Midnight and Chipolata were always good fun to talk to but Blossom wasn't the kind that Cinema was looking for. They began to munch on their lunch and Blossom insisted in carefully cutting her food into neat slices. "You're being jolly noisy!" commented Blossom stiffly with her nose in the air. "Well, I can't help it if I'm eating normally", protested Cinema. She badly wanted to punch Blossom and knock some sense into her but she didn't dare. Cinema had a hunch that Blossom was preparing for something because 1. she is fussing about her looks even more 2. I caught her packing her comb and a bag of dandelion petals and 3. she keeps murmuring to herself "oh, they will be wonderful".

Cinema and Blossom
Cinema and Blossom

This is my version:

To describe something as 'noisy' can be misleading as it all depends on what degree of noisiness. For example, Grape Nuts could be considered a noisy cereal compared to Weetabix - when you munch on either you get a different amount of noise generated in your mouth. But if you go into a machine workshop where there is a mechanical punch at work you would be best advised to wear ear protection if you want to enjoy the sound of birdsong again! I have a hunch that the above information is somewhat superfluous and not particularly educational, but I'm afraid it's now been said!

Punch Press
Punch Press

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