Thursday 4 April 2024

1019 - PLAIT

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughter's version:

"Hey Garfield, take a Look AT my new fern I'm growing! It's only a stalk now but it will grow into a beautiful plant!", called John, watering his fern. "Oh goody!", thought Garfield who had stood back to admire his plait he had done with one of Odie's ears. "I'd rather blast off into unknown space than look at his dumb fern!" said Garfield, going up into the music room. The record player was playing tonal music. "Aaaaargh", screamed Garfield, "I came in here to have a quick nap to get my thoughts away from John's fern, not listening to old-fashioned music!" He stormed out of the room.

Odie taking action over the record player
Odie taking action over the record player

This is my version:

Freda LATimer played in a band that specialised in mediaeval tonal music. They would give small concerts making a few pounds for their group's coffers. One day there was a fire in his garage which set light to a gas cylinder. Suddenly there was a big blast as it exploded. She had been about to go in there to transplant a stalk or two into pots to produce new plants and was relieved not to have been caught up in the fire or blast. To calm her nerves before deciding what to do about the damage, she went into the house to make a plait in her hair. She felt a lot better after that and went back to the poorly garage to see what she could salvage.

The garage explosion
The garage explosion

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