Sunday 7 April 2024

1022 - FINCH

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughter's version:

Garfield awoke one morning only to hear a really disturbing noise. He tried to go back to sleep, but whatever that thing was, it was real noisy so Garfield decided to wake up once and for all. He looked at the clock, 6:25! Eeeek! Garfield groaned, "I'd like to pinch the person that is making all that noise!" It turned out it was John. He was making breakfast and apparently he had checked yesterday and there was going to be a beautiful sunrise. So John had planned to have a nice breakfast outside and watch the sunrise and do an hour of bird watching. Once Garfield found out, he was angry with rage. "A day out in the sunshine at six-O-clock?!!! He's mad! And he's got to be nuts to think that I would join him!", stuttered Garfield, trembling with anger. Garfield tried to signal John and shout to him, 'that it was a bad idea' and, 'don't expect me to join you' and, 'you woke me up from a really good dream' and all that nonsense. But John didn't hear a word because he was so focused and exited to make this the best sunrise day ever! Garfield turned on the piano, cranked the volume up to the loudest, and struck a minim to get his attention. John was in the middle of buttering peanut butter and jam onto a slice of toast and the note made him jump out of his skin! "Oh, heh heh, Garfield, didn't see ya there buddy, how about you join me in some..." But Garfield interrupted by stuttering, "don't even think about it!" Garfield grabbed 2 marshmallows and stuffed them in his ears then went back to bed. John went bird watching 2 hours later and saw 1 finch, 2 blue tits, 7 sparrows, 3 gulls, 4 crows and like a million pigeons! Meanwhile, Garfield was in the middle of a really good dream. To make the story short, basically, Garfield used a winch to pull up a giant plate of lasagne and John and Odie go to jail.

At sunrise Garfield wanted to be asleep still
At sunrise Garfield wanted to be asleep still

This is my version:

Aaron lives with his parents and sisters, Keri and Megan, in a spacious house. When Aaron's piano teacher, Mrs Whittaker, arrives, the music room is pretty noisy, what with all the children talking at once and squabbling over things. At the sight of the serious face of Mrs Whittaker being shown into the room, Keri and Megan feel obliged to go elsewhere. Aaron starts on one of his pieces. "No, no", interrupts Mrs Whittaker, "that's a minim there - you are playing it like a crotchet. Try again." Aaron is just about to pinch a piece of Keri's paper to write a reminder to himself about the minim, when Keri pops in for something. "Don't even think about it!", chides Keri. Megan is into all things mechanical and is currently trying to see if the electric winch on the old Landrover is strong enough to pull the vehicle even with the handbrake on. Keri is very different and loves observing the garden's wild life. As she is watching, first one Green Finch shows up at the garden feeder, then five more.

Old Landrover front winch
Old Landrover front winch

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