Saturday 6 April 2024

1021 - WRIST

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughter's version:

John had said to Garfield and Odie one day, "I'm going jogging wiTh my pals, so don't get up to any mischief!" Once John had left, GaRfield took his sweet time and wrecked the house like a king. First he wrecked all of John's favourite ferns (whose names were Tim, Rose, Honey, Pixie-stormray, and Larry Mcdufus). Then he went through all the cupboards and knocked down all the food that was on them. Then he clawed the armchair. Then he broke John's Mum's absolute favourite vase. And then he told Odie to go and chew John's new Easter bunny slippers while he, Garfield, switched the television on and sat down with a warm plate of lasagne beside him. When John came back, he said, "Garfield, Odie I'm home, by the way, I injured my wrist while I was... Hey! Why is there grist on the flo... Aaaaaargh! what a mess! Garfield, do you know what happened?" Garfield was still on the sofa with the TV in front of him. "Well, it was all an accident you see, Odie and I were... ", began Garfield, but John stopped him. "I don't want to hear it! My ferns! Tim, Rose, Honey, Pixie, Larry! My ferns, speak to me!, all my food, and my fave ginger biscuits, and my new armchair, Mum's vase! Garfield, do know how precious that vase is? Could this get any worse?" Just then, Odie came down with John's chewed-on slippers in his mouth. "I had to ask, of course it could!", John sighed.

Garfield and the vase
Garfield and the vase

This is my version:

The specialist bRead maker did all the work from the grain to the loaf. So sometimes you'd find him behind the front desk serving customers and at other times you'd find him in the mill loft adding grist to the mill wheel to make the flour. One day he hurt himself after a fall playing football. He had to employ someone to take over the heavier work whilst his wrist healed. The worker turned out to be rather good and his sales actually increased, so he made the employee's job permanent.

The baker-cum-miller adding wheat to the grist mill
The baker-cum-miller adding wheat to the grist mill

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