Saturday 29 June 2024

1105 - DROVE

JEnny had been doing heR job for her whole working life. She had to put up with the noise of the vacuum cleaner six days a week as she cleaned offices. At first it was quite fun, interacting with the staff (especially the young men!). But as she grew older it had all become a chore, especially as she was now only allocated shifts at night when no-one else was around. Eventually it got to her and drove her to hand in her notice, but not before she had meticulously taken her vacuum apart  into as many pieces as she could without actually damaging anything. Her boss was furious, but couldn't do a lot since she hadn't damaged or stolen anything!

The disassembled vacuum cleaner
The disassembled vacuum cleaner

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482 - FLOOR

“LO and behold, there's  flour  on the  floor .” exclaimed Denise. “I wonder if Ethan has been making a cake?” she thought.