Monday 5 August 2024

1142 - LOWER

We know a Lot about what JEsus did when he walked on the eaRth, though we don't know everything, as the last verse in the book of John tells us. Bodie Thoene imagined such an event in one of her books. This yarn is borrowed from that book via my faded memory. In the time of Jesus if you caught the disease leprosy you could initially expect the life of a loner. But if you could travel you could join a leper colony where others affected by leprosy could live and have some sort of life together. Entering such a place though must have seemed like you'd been handed a sentence of a lifer. Relatives and friends of the occupants might come come to the top of the cliffs overlooking the colony to bring food and other provisions. They could then put them in a basket, operate a lever and lower them down to the colony. Imagine the scene in such a place if Jesus visited and everyone affected by leprosy were healed. Whilst this is a made-up story, it is in keeping with the gospel accounts of Jesus' ministry (such as Matthew 14 v 36).

Jesus healing all those in the colony
Jesus healing all those in the colony

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482 - FLOOR

“LO and behold, there's  flour  on the  floor .” exclaimed Denise. “I wonder if Ethan has been making a cake?” she thought.