Wednesday, 26 February 2025

1347 - DRYER

FlEuR wasn't a nice person really. She would frequently sneer at people she considered inferior or feign friendship with strangers she considered superior. Today she is on her way to a wedding, hoping to blag her way in as a guest of the bride. On the way she is belittling a man with a snick in his jacket (which she thinks is a boring umber colour). The man's job is as a mere gofer. "I wouldn't be surprised if his dead-end job leads him to become a doper", she thinks to herself. She's heard rumours that the bride is to have a sizeable dower, so being in her circle of friends could be profitable! Fleur is just about to start blagging her way in, when the celebrity dancer turns up and Fleur has to defer and let the celebrity make an entrance ahead of her. When Fleur tries again to get in, the security are more alert because of the celebrity and they quickly suss out Fleur. They take her over to the hotel swimming pool and throw her in. There is some building work going on just outside the hotel and the dozer driver, whom Fleur had turned her nose up at earlier, was able to have a good laugh at Fleur's expense as she squelched off to find a place to get sorted out and especially to find a hair dryer.

Fleur is soaked from head to toe
Fleur is soaked from head to toe

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482 - FLOOR

“LO and behold, there's  flour  on the  floor .” exclaimed Denise. “I wonder if Ethan has been making a cake?” she thought.