Sunday, 2 March 2025

1351 - HOVER

ThERe was a small snick in her blouse. "Bother - I'll have to defer getting dressed until I can mend that", she fussed. She had just started when a golden eagle alighted on the bough of the tree in her garden. She froze, needle in mid hover over the blouse as she gaped and gazed at the beautiful, yet vicious bird.

The golden eagle
The golden eagle

Saturday, 1 March 2025

1350 - FUZZY

It was very noisy in one area of the office as a bunch of colleagues were trying to decide if their latest product range was good to go or not. "It's yucky", remarked one, whilst another oozed "it's yummy". One yuppy was quite bemused and remarked "Has this got rum in it - I reckon a few of these could make me feel quite muggy". "It seems to explode in my mouth making it all puffy", remarked another. The project manager by now was quite huffy. "This is such a muddy situation - I feel such a chump attempting to launch this. Right everyone - lunch is cancelled and it's back to work. Let's have no more fuzzy ideas, but thoroughly tested old favourite-based offerings."

Discussing the new product range
Discussing the new product range


482 - FLOOR

“LO and behold, there's  flour  on the  floor .” exclaimed Denise. “I wonder if Ethan has been making a cake?” she thought.