Saturday 23 December 2023

916 - TOUCH

This is my 9-year-old Granddaughters' version:

“Molly?” “Yes!” “Chloe?” “Yes!” “James?” “Yes!” And, last buT not least, “Theo?” “Yes, I’m here” numbed Theo. “Right then, everyone got their coats, packed lunch and bags?” called Miss Fern. “Yes miss Fern” chorused the children. “Ok then, everyone line up now and we’ll climb on the coach. “There are 30 children Mrs Miley, can you remember that?” shouted Miss Fern from the front. “Got it!” replied Mrs Miley from the back. “Everyone stay in your pairs and if it’s the 100th time I have to tell you, to not wonder off!” reminded Miss Fern. Once everyone was in place, and seated in their pairs, the driver called out “we’re ‘eading south”. Half an hour later, they got off and entered a building with the words “Wax Museum”. First they came across a man with his mouth wide open holding a metal ring. “Look!” cried Beth, “There’s a sign that says 'Do Not touch'” “and it has a fact on it too!” spoke up Bruce. “It says, Men used to play this game called quoit.” “You throw a ring, rope or metal around a peg” read out Frankie. They moved along to a large woman with a fierce look and a frightened girl by her side.

Lining up for the bus
Lining up for the bus

This is my version:

The pub team was getting set up for a practice game before the competition at the weekend. A stranger called William showed up and was trying to find out what was going on. "What's this steel ring?", he asked. "Ee lad, that be a quoit", replied Jake, "ye have to throw it over the pin". "Can I have a go?", asked William. "Nay", answered Jake, "this is a Northerners' game - you're from the south". "Ee, shut your big mouth Jake - he only wants to see what it's like", interjected Frank and offered William his quoit. William was shocked at the weight and felt certain he would make a hash of it. He gave it a heave and to everyone's amazement its edge landed on top of a pin. "That was a great throw", admitted Jake, "that was an excellent touch" and the rest of the team gave a round of applause. After the practice William bought the team the first two rounds.

Quoits game
Quoits game

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