This is my 9-year-old Granddaughter's version:
For dinner tonight, GArfield had a delicious lamb shank, complete with a plate of crisp, soft potatoes and a celery and leek salad soaked in gravy. This was because John thought that there would be chaos if Garfield had lasagne 1 more day. The next day, John went and bought a shawm from the antique shop. When he got home, he started telling Garfield about the unique things and was talking for 20 minutes before realising that Garfield was asleep. John decided to try the shawm. He was a little shaky but he got over it soon. The next day, it was boiling hot. Garfield hid in the shady space behind John's wardrobe and stayed there till dinner.

This is my version:
A scene of chaos presented itself to Sandra. She soon became all shaky and she stumbled to a chair in the shady part of the garden. "Whatever could have happened here?", she thought. Then she remembered that her friend had been. Her friend had a huge dog with a propensity to exploring everything, tail awagging. Eventually Sandra calmed down and went inside to practice the medieval music piece on her shawm; the concert wasn't far off now so she had to keep at it. She set off downstairs but yelped in pain as she knocked the shank of her leg on the Ottoman that she'd walked past a thousand times. "It must have been the shock from seeing the chaotic garden earlier", she surmised.

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