Otter, who was out diving into the pooL practising tricks, was vEry excited for tomorrow. Why, do you ask? Well because he was taking part in a game of boules and he was to be captain! His blue eyes, with flecks in them lit up as he thought about winning the game. A fleck in his right eye was shining even more than usual. On the day of the game, Otter took the boule in its case to the field. "They will need the devil on their side if they are going to beat me", he thought to himself.
Otter practicing boule using a cheaper ball
This is my version:
Louis-HEnri Dubois had finished his game of boule and went back to his architect's practice to work on his latest building plan. When he got back to his computer workstation he expressed exasperation with the ongoing building works in the building. His student asked him what was bothering him. "Whenever I return to my keyboard there's a fine layer of dust and the odd fleck or two of paint stuck in the keyboard gaps", he gasped as he blew the keyboard creating a cloud of dust. As Louis-Henri was studying carefully the 3D image of the model from every angle the student remarked "that's looking great; is that finished now?" "No, definitively not. You see, it's the devil in the detail that turns an adequate model that requires lots of enquiries by the builders and experts and one that produces little or no comeback from them", replied Louis-Henri.
Louis-Henri and his student examine the model carefully
WeasEl was just locking the door of his toadstool house, when the postbird flew over delivering a letter. Weasel opened it and read it to himself.
It said that he was invited to an event including: an orchestra at a famous music venue, a show on how to sense danger from your enemy, and a cooking show on how to make penne from scratch. "Ooooh!" he said as he jumped over the fence and sat in the shade going over the letter again. The next day, he set off for the event. On the way, he met Mr Lilypad. A dense fog surrounded him as Mr Lilypad taught the little frogs how to jump between lilypads. Jack, one of the little frogs, heeds the advice greatly, much more than the others. Last week, it was raining heavily, hence the ground was now very damp and wet making it difficult for weasel to get to the event.
Weasel meeting Mr Lilypad
This is my version:
"HE who heeds the advice of his enemy is on a slippery slope away from success in life", said the man on the tv. But that was lost on Ricky as he ate his penne and Italian tomato sauce. The café venue for his meal rarely meant that anyone actually paid attention to the tv. After his meal, Ricky went outside into the thick fog that had suddenly descended. Ricky wasn't concerned as he knew the area well, but despite that, he had a shock when he bumped into a fence. Hence forward he slowed down. Whenever he reached a spot in the shade of a tree he slowed down even more as the streetlights gave no clue whatsoever. As he was creeping through one of these shady patches he was overtaken by a blind woman walking at a brisk pace. "Well I'd never thought of that", Ricky thought, "that the loss of the sense of sight can be an advantage sometimes". After that evening his respect for blind people increased significantly.
Every day, Frisbee had the mosT wondErful day dreams about the beach and the sea, with the most delicious picnic lunch with sandwiches, chicken, bananas, apples, oranges, sausages, pringles, salad and walks with regular games of ball or fetch or maybe even her favourite, Frisbee!!! She was a Westie dog and these daydreams happened often. Unfortunately, it was Winter and the beach was freezing cold and Julie wouldn't bother taking me out in that weather.
Frisbee the Westie catching the ball
This is my version:
My daughTEr-in-law plays Wordle every day like I do. Once in a very blue moon she needs 6 rows to solve it. Very rarely she needs 5 rows. Now and again she solves it in 4 or 2. But most often she solves it in 3. She's much better than me!
Theobald had recently moved into the village. He'd moved there because lots of old trade crafts were still functional. As he got to know the tradesman and observed them at work he developed a desire to have a stint at trying to do their trade. He asked the smith first who suggested coming as the smithy was closing one day and have a go then.
At owl acadEmy boaRding school, there were first form, second form, third form, upper forth, fifth and sixth form. There were different towers, North, East, South and West towers and classes with different things for different age groups. In the school grounds, there were tennis and lacrosse pitches and courts, a wonderful swimming pool with rocks around and a diving board where the diver will get a good launch into the air and flap then put your wings together and dive. There was a baking room and each term, owls will take turns in having each role like the mixer or the wiper of surfaces after baking. Each term the owls are sent a fiver each from their parents which they have to save. On the weekends, they can go in pairs to town to buy any other things. Every time an owl goes into the village, they would always meet the old piper who is standing outside. When they walk into the little tea shop, there is a TV in there either showing chariot racing, where a squirrel whips a horse and races a chariot, a cooking show, or sometimes a cartoon show. In the owl academy gardens, there were all kinds of different plants, like roses and daisies, and buttercups. At this time of year, you are most likely to find a scion of your favourite plant.
Owl academy - the boring bits
This is my version:
BERyl wanted to learn to be a gardener and asked the local nursery for some work experience. "Ok", said the owner, "Jack here can show you how to prune off a scion and turn it into a new plant. Beryl was a quick learner and the owner was pleased. "Here's a fiver for your work today. If you'd like to come on a regular basis I can pay you 5% more than the minimum wage. The nursery only had an old towel to use as a wiper to clean her messy hands, so wasn't too sure about the offer. Beryl was quite an introvert and found it hard to be a mixer with strangers, so she politely declined the offer to join the others after work for a visit to the pub. She became a bit fearful when walking home on her own as there seemed to be someone following her. The stranger caught up with her and introduced himself. "I just want to see that you are ok", he said, "is it ok for me to escort you to your home?" Beryl recognised him as a fellow gardener, Louis. "That's very kind of you, yes please". In their conversation on the way she learned that Louis was a keen diver and that he played in a pipe band. When she got home, her parents were intrigued to hear about the day. "Hold on a mo", said her mother as she sets to and whips up some hot chocolates for them all. "I would quite like to go to the village hall tomorrow where Louis is performing as a piper with his fellow band members", exclaimed Beryl. Her parents were pleased that she was interested in going out instead of hiding away at home. She enjoyed next evening and was once again escorted home by Louis.
Phoebe the owl hAd just Typed heR new story and sent it to Pops the deer. He had been out with Nana the doe so he didn't have time to read the new story so he decided to read it later that night. Apparently, the story was really funny. So funny that Pops laughed so loudly, it woke Nana. Unfortunately Pops had disturbed her from a very nice dream so he ended up getting a scolding in the middle of the night. When he awoke the next morning, Pops thought that he had a very humorous night, thinking back about the story, apart from the fact he had a scolding in the middle of the night. Inspired by Phoebe's stories, Pops decided to watch more children's films so, after breakfast, he started to watch Lady and the Tramp. This annoyed Nana greatly as they were half way through another film already. Nana told Pops to put his phone away and Pops replied “yes deer!” 🦌 😂
Phoebe delivering the story!
This is my version:
Since it wAs a rainy SaTuRday morning, Lucas and Phoebe were discussing what to play next. Lucas eagerly suggested playing soldiers. As usual, Phoebe went along with Lucas' idea even though it wasn't her thing to play soldiers. They grabbed some toy weapons and marched around the living room; tramp, tramp, tramp they marched. Daddy was trying to sleep upstairs because of his tiring week, but had to give up because of the deep thudding sound. Mummy was trying to learn more about what spreadsheets can be made to do and the marching was very distracting for her. "Can you stop the marching game and let Phoebe choose now", she exclaimed. So Phoebe suggested using all the cuddly toys to enact a play she was writing. After a while that turned to arguing so their mum had to intervene again. "Right, that's enough. Can you please play apart from each other now - daddy and I need some peace!"
TodAy, I awoke to a sunny, warm morning whEre the flowers were all swaying merrily. After rubbing my heavy eyelids, I trotted downstairs and helped myself to a mug of sunflower tea and a slice of banana on toast. Then, I brought out my deck chair and sat in the shade of a big apple tree. "Mrs Hedgehog! I have a letter for you!" called Toby, the postman hare. I then opened the envelope and read out the letter. This is what it said:
Dear Mrs Hedgehog, we would like you to come to the Great Woodland Hall where we will film you and you can tell us about your life. Please be ready with a speech. Friends and family can come to watch, but they need a ticket. Tickets are ever so cheap. Some are free even! From Judge Lynette.
"How strange for them to call on me! Why not get someone famous, not an ordinary hedgehog", I thought to myself. I started to write my speech and called my friend Alice to help me practice. When she arrived and we had settled down, I started reading my speech out loud to her. "Thank you kindly for choosing me. I would like to start off with sharing about my life as a young and as a teenage hedgehog. It started when...oh no, I need to amend that part!" I went on till it was perfect and got a clap from Alice. "Surprise!" cried Alice suddenly holding out a box of shortbread. I thanked her as we opened it and each took one. I took one in the shape of a squirrel. After that, we were so full, we had to heave ourselves into my car and drive to Woodland Hall.
The gathering for the cermony for Mrs Hedgehog's speech gets under way
This is my version:
AndrEw loved being outside but would often find himself sunburnt. "Andrew, you'll have to amend your ways or you could get seriously unwell", his mother said to him, "you must always wear strong sunscreen." One day Andrew didn't come home for lunch so his mum went to find him. She came across him fast asleep under a tree in the shade. She coughed gently and Andrew awoke. As he came to, he became aware of a shape in front of him. As the 'shape' became clear he gasped "Hello mum; I think that cheap chocolate I had must have made me doze off." Mum gave him a heave to get him to his feet. "Time for lunch", she commanded. "I must take this home with me", retorted Andrew, picking up a heavy rucksack full of his findings. "What are you going to do with all that?", exclaimed mum. "I'm going to build a moonrocket" was Andrew's reply.
Dandelion was going to visit his grandfather with his dad. They were both foxes and were travelling aLong the path through the woods. Presently, they came to the little village that Dandelion's grandfather lived in. He lived in the trunk of a big maple tree. He was a pious fox and they found him with a quill in his paw writing some kind of letter. His grandfather chatted to Dandelion's dad while making lunch. "Would you like to build something with those wooden blocks over there?" asked grandfather gruffly, seeing that Dandelion was bored. "Of course!" cried Dandelion, his face lit up as he rushed towards them.
Dandelion and his dad on their way to see Dandelion's grandad
This is my version:
Brother Leonard was, like his fellow monks, very pious, spending hours in prayer, collective worship gatherings, feeding the poor and so on. But he also had a job to do which was to keep up to date the monastery's records. Since this all occurred hundreds of years before computers and their spreadsheet software were invented, his work involved him using parchment, ink and quill. Since he was very good at this he was relieved of some of his duties and instead asked to keep records of the monastery's next project which was to build a shelter for the homeless or travellers to stay in whilst they got though their problems or moved on to their next destination.
There were A loT of different squirrels at Acorn Towers (a boarding school for squirrels). Gwen, the snobbish show-off had finally met her match. She was called Maureen and she had the same golden fur and snobby expressions as Gwen (not to say the same eager will to boast). Belinda however was quite cheerful and brilliant at art and baking. But when she's busy and is interrupted, she flies into a temper. She just baked a new batch of cookies. Irene's music-mad, Sally is bossy and always following the rules. Jean is quiet and has a brown patch on her tail. Apparently, Sara's gran, Eleanor, used to come here and was a bad squirrel, and when she was grown up, natch, ended up in prison. Right now, is geography and Sara is working hard, collecting each datum to create a map.
A different lesson, this one about other animals
This is my version:
"AT last we have this manufacturing process working properly", Ernie, the shop floor manager was saying, "this latest set of parts can serve as the datumbatch which we'll keep in the special store room and which won't be sold. If, later on, one of the machines used to make something needs a patch applied or needs replacing we can then compare the first batch produced after the repair with this datum batch to see if they function as well. If they do then, natch, we will allow the production line to restart." Ernie's lecture was rather boring to the workers who were glad to get back to work or to finish their shift and get home. Ozzie especially was glad to get home as it was his young daughter's birthday. This year he felt confident she could light the match to get the candles alight. He wanted to give one last practice before the party started.
After a half-term break enjoying having fun with her cousins, my 9-year-old Granddaughter is back. This is her version:
In thE fRiendly forest, you would expect all the trees to be calmly swaying, and the animals to be either asleep or awake on this fine, sunny morning. But things were the complete opposite of that. All the creatures were wildly talking about one thing, and that one thing was a famous band of squirrels was coming there, to the friendly forest, and do a revue. Everybody was so excited that they couldn't sleep! The price of the tickets were 1 acorn only. The neighbour squirrels were shrieking with delight and rummaging through their supply to find their shiniest acorns in return for a front row ticket. Mrs Hedgehog only noticed when she looked at a poster pinned to a nearby apple tree. She was watering her furze when she spotted a piece of paper on the tree. The poster had given a bit of information about behind the scenes too, like that they had a steep learning curve to learn the dance moves and the songs had lots of notes and other musical things like a brieve. Mrs Hedgehog had intended to tell Mr Hedgehog but when she opened his door, all she heard was a loud snore so she decided it would be best to leave him sleeping.
Saturday nut fever
This is my version:
Callum's fEllow passengeRs were amused at the sleepy Callum. Hs snore would change rhythm every time the train swapped from one curve to the opposite one on the twisty rail track. Phil, sitting behind Callum, was just enjoying the view oblivious of the snoring and mirth; the view had opened up to where furze was seen, brightening up the green with dots of yellow. Across the gangway, Veronica was trying to teach her young daughter how to read music, but the giggling passengers and snoring were rather distracting. So when it came to trying to explain a breve note, Veronica realised there wasn't much point in pressing on. Sophie was oblivious to the snoring and mirth since she had her headphones on and was reading the review of the latest West End revue. She thought she would like to see it until she noticed the ticket price. "How much?" she gasped, loudly enough to wake up Callum.
Callum's next rail journey, this time using a nasal strip
PhoEbe's FatherR was known to snore when asleep. A friend of the family suggested he tried using furze oil on his pillow. The trouble with this idea was that Phoebe's Father had a vivid dream. In the dream he was at a special EV event and was driving a test car around a circuit with many a curve in it. On one corner he misjudged the feel of the car and went off the road finishing up perched on a ridge completely stuck! He was relieved to wake up and find it had been a dream. Naturally he decided not to pursue the idea of the furze oil any more.Oops!
ALl the miners Arrived at the workface, ready for a tough shift. After a bit, the foreman noticed that one of the crew was not pulling his weight, but looked like his mind was on something else. "Come along, Cyril, don't slack", admonished the foreman, "we have a quota to fill and we all need to put in the work to be able to chalk up the full amount". "Sorry - I'll put my full effort in now.", said Cyril, "I was pondering the fate of the miners who got ~slain by the rock fall last year, It is a dangerous job we do, isn't it? It's best we know our fate after we die, especially doing this job". Cyril was true to his word and the full quota was met and some more, As the miners walked homewards after their shift, Cyril started singing psalm 91 which is all about God's protection. One by one others of the miners joined in.
DonAld Trump was always protesting that there wasn't a stain on his character. He would say that all the stories of his misdemeanours were either lies or were politically motivated. But when more and more stories and convictions started to stack up against him, it eventually became clear to him that he had to grab his stash of money and head off to a tax haven with no extradition treaty with the USA. One of Donald's fines
Young Sidney hAd had a loT of setbacks recently and now he was living on the streets and needing to beg. He retained his former polite manner and was keen to thank those that gave to him. After a few months he became more upset as the only clothes he had gradually acquired one stain after another and holes started appearing. Occasionally someone would pop into Costa and get him a large coffee with plenty of sugar. Others would buy him a pasty now and again. One of Sidney's regular contacts was Arthur, a horticulturist by trade. After observing Sidney for a couple of months, and needing to find some casual labour, he asked Sidney if he would like to help him for a few days planting out some hosta seedlings. Sidney leapt at the idea and joined Arthur with the planting out, for which he was fed and have a bed for the night. After the hosta job was finished, Arthur gave Sidney a permanent job. Once Sidney's life had settled somewhat, he bought some new clothes. He decided to include an ascot around his neck in his outfit, partly for warmth but also as his style mark.Sidney planting a young hosta plant
RonaLd hAd inheriTed a large, but neglected house from a distant relative. On his first visit he had a tour of the property, surveying what was worth working on and what wasn't. He phoned the local Indian restaurant and ordered a balti takeaway for his lunch before checking in more detail some things that had caught his attention during the morning. The entrance hall had been constructed as a vault but he was highly suspicious that it might be unsafe now. Hanging in the hallway was a vicious-looking stuffed golden eagle. The claws of the bird were very menacing with a long talon on each of the 4 claws of a leg. "I hope that's okay - I'd like to keep it", thought Ronald.Golden Eagle Claw
ARchie, the python, enjoyed various prey when he was hungry. But today he wasn't hungry, but instead fancied a bit of fun. He'd decided to play a prank on a group of furry creatures that had been on his menu a couple of times before. So he dressed up as a moray eel fish. He slithered up close to the guard hyrax and then froze. When the guard spotted Archie, he was nervous at first. But never having seen a moray before (why would he? - they lived in water) he relaxed and went back to his duties looking out for danger. This was Archie's moment! He burst out of his disguise and hissed "Scram" to all the hyraxes and they rushed back to their burrow at great speed. Archie laughed and laughed and then went off to doze in the sun.Hyrax family sunning themselves
AT the motorway service station, Frank went in looking forward to an Asian noodles take-out. But the place was now closed. "That 'taint right", he said, checking the displayed opening hours. Instead, he headed to the pasty outlet, but they only had cheese and onion ones left. "Urgh, I can't stand those", he grumbled. His urge to eat made him make a hasty choice and pick a pasta dish that was rather dry and tasteless. It wasn't Frank's evening!Frank's hastily chosen pasta dish
MERyl was introduced to Alfie, the scion of Lord Dull of Bristolshire (who had great property and wealth). Meryl liked Alfie and wanted to get better acquainted. Just as they started in conversation, Alfie was dragged away by his Mater as she felt Meryl too insignificant for Alfie. Meryl felt sure that Alfie's Mum's actions were an ender of any chance of getting to know Alfie. But a hour later, when Alfie's Ma was not around, Alfie sought out Meryl and they really hit it off and planned to meet again. When they were still seeing each other after two months, one of Meryl's friends remarked to Meryl how all Meryl's friends had been saying their relationship would never last, but were now starting to see them as a couple.Meryl with Alfie
[Abridged from The Bible, John 21:1-14 NIV version]
AftER Jesus had risen from the dead he appeared again to his disciples, by the Sea of Galilee. The disciples had gone fishing at night but had caught nothing. Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. He called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?” “No,” they answered. He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with *fried fish on it, and some bread. Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish you have just caught and come and have breakfast.” This was now the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from the dead.
Mistletoe was a badger and he and his family were planning to find a new home. After a loT of walking, they arrived at the perfect tree hollow. Somehow, Mistletoe had picked up a large stick on the way and was now clinging to it. No matter how many times his family tried to stimy him from leaving the stick behind, he refused and hugged it more tightly. Everybody was feeling a bit stiff from the journey and Mistletoe's brother Domino's right knee joint was feeling extra sore. The air around them felt thick and heavy so they all drifted off immediately. The next morning they met a squirrel called Doc Smith and found out that he lived in their tree too!
Mistletoe and Domin
This is my version:
The two tall brothers put aside their differences and decided on a joint effort to stick together on making their new venture work. They visited the workshop of the town smith to ask for him to build the complex metal parts of their project. In the light of the two tall brothers standing over him, the normally recalcitrant smith agreed to do their work urgently. In fact, by the time the two brothers had driven off to go and play golf, he had selected his first piece of thick metal to start work on for them. The two brothers enjoyed their round of golf, although their new resolve to work together was sorely tested when one of the brothers had a stimy on the last hole which somewhat decided the round. "I need a stiff drink to get over this", he said as the two headed to the clubhouse.
Me and my mAte Skid, are cLassroom pEts. My name is Cinema and we are both tortoises. Today, the kids were doing this flower project where you take apart the petals and stem and see what else you find. Someone found the sepal and got a decal with the word 'EXCELLENT' on it. Then, while the teacher was writing a sentence on the blackboard, Bill, the naughtiest boy in the form, threw a paper plane at Mrs Dale. It flew all over the place and the tip hit Mrs Dale in the head! Mrs Dale was annoyed and asked the person who did it to raise their hand, but no-one owned up.
The next lesson was about elands. Each child had a picture of an eland on it. Then she gave them loads of facts about them. One of them was that they live in a weald. At the end of the day, I said to Skid, being a classroom pet is soooo boring! He agreed with me as we watched some kids pedal towards the gate to go home.
Bill about to cause classroom disturbance
This is my version:
LArry had dEcorated the case of his mobile with a decal on the front and on the back. On the back he had applied one depicting parts of a daisy including a sepal and on the front he'd added a picture of his favourite antelope, an eland. One fine summer day he set off for a countryside tour into the open weald out of town. He'd driven to the remote spot then got his pedal cycle off the cycle rack and set off on his adventure. Part way round his planned route a light plane was flying low with a spluttering engine and, as Larry watched, landed in a relatively flat place in the weald. He cycled over to make sure the occupants were ok. They were shaken, but unharmed.
In WoodlAnd Forest, Susan was just getting ouT of bed whEn Felicity appeaRed in her bedroom. “Ma, my tummy hurts” mumbled Felicity, rubbing her heavy eyelids. “Oh, alright then, just get dressed and let me have some breakfast first,” replied Susan slipping on her slippers and wrapping on her night gown.
While Felicity got dressed, Susan buttered some warm toast and helped herself to a banana. After her breakfast she went up and got changed herself. When she came back down as she found Felicity lying on the sofa with a checked blanket wrapped around her. “Maybe the fresh air will help…?”, asked Susan since there weren’t many things to do with a poor stomach, but they only got as far as picking one aster because Felicity said she didn’t feel too well, so they went back. “You poor squirrel”, said Susan on their way back when Felicity groaned for the 4th time.
Susan fmelling a flower before picking it
This is my version:
AunTiERowenna has a beautiful garden. The climbing rose over the front of the house is magnificent. She has loads of daffodils, tulips, snowdrops and other bulbs taking their turns. Today she is tackling the task of planting out a large collection of aster plants. It takes until the afternoon until all the asters are planted. She is relieved and tired and hungry after all this and is relieved to be able to sit down and have her belated lunch.
One cold, crispy morning, Donner was wandering across to the stables when he saw the most shocking thing. All the other apartments in which all his brothers belonged - Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, Blitzen, Vixen - let alone Rudolf - had been horribly wrecked! Donner dashed out and wandered around to find his brothers or even Santa! Then he went to look in the Coal Elves Café, which was of course very noisy, but only found lots of dirty elves clunking and clinking glasses in their dusty clothes.
Donner, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, Blitzen, Vixen, Rudolf
This is my version:
Lavinia's parents were having an extravagant party for their darling daughter. They'd hired a couple of limousines to pick up her friends and hired a set of professionally made costumes for them to wear. Amongst the costumes were a lion, a witch, a wardrobe, a fawn, a beaver, a wolf and so on. The party was naturally noisy as the children played various games and ate scrumptious (unhealthy) food! When the children's parents came to pick them up, several of them had difficulty recognising which was their child.
In the countryside, there was a big house full of 3 things: sLaves, cooks and workErs. And of course the MasteR and Missus themselves. Oh, and lots of stuff. The big house had lots of holes and places between rooms in the walls. So, in the walls lived lots of mice. Slaves, cooks and worker mice just like the real house but of course, everything was much smaller and cuter. The king and queen mice, or leaders, would have their own special maid or righthand mouse.
There was a King who was very cruel, always boasted about things, ate lots, bossed people around and took no notice of helpless villagers asking for supplies. Whereas the Queen, who was gentle and kind, helped others and was gentle with her people. In the King's favourite place, his garden, was a beautiful apple tree which he had painted the trunk white to repel the pests.
White painted trees
This is my version:
Liam had put on a fair bit of wEight in Recent months. So his wife, Lisa, had put him on a strict diet. Liam grumbled to Lisa "You are cruel to me not letting me have any bacon sarnies and doughnuts and instead give me two crackers and Marmite which does tend to repel me". Lisa merely shrugged her shoulders and tucked into her baked potato with chicken supreme with coleslaw side.
I'm a small cat and my ownERs (Helen and Ben) are out for the day. So I do my usual 'mess up' around the house. First, I would switch on the remote onto the football channel to annoy Ben. Luckily, Ben's favourite team scored. "Score!" the TV echoed. That will annoy him if I leave the TV on. I then walked to Helen's study. I sure am going to wreck that place! Helen was a writer and had dozens of papers lying around. I read one which said, a single fungus spore can grow into an entirely new mushroom. Boring! I moved onto a quire of paper that she had folded and cut, ready for her next book I suppose. I pushed them all onto the floor. I next moved onto the kitchen and jumped on the breakfast bar which has a very smooth curve on the corner. Around the kitchen were loads of framed pictures, Helen loved the sea and the lakes and rivers so there was always a picture of the sea shore or the verge of a lake. I scratched the lot of them. Now the bedroom. I'm going to shed on Ben's side of the bed. That will stop his snore. He'll be itching all night and he deserves that because I am getting tired of that loud snoring!
Making a mess of the house under way
This is my version:
Joshua is not onE foR sitting down and watching a cricket match; he would much rather be outside exploring. However he is interested in the cricket score. With his smartphone and earplugs he now has the opportunity to be outside and keep in touch with the score. Today he is heading down to the shore. But his route there takes him through a shady damp trail. As he goes along the trail it just happens to be the time when a giant puff-ball fungus releases first one spore then 7 trillion others. Joshua likes to think of himself as well prepared and on this occasion he is. In his backpack is a quire of paper and he quickly takes out a couple of sheets and manages to trap a few thousand spores between the two sheets so that he could study them later on his microscope. Eventually he gets to the shore where he discovers a wreck which he explores before making himself comfortable and nodding off to sleep. Passers by have a giggle as he has a snore. After a recuperating sleep he wakes with a jolt as he hears a great cheer in his headphones as the bowler bowls an extraordinary curve ball and gets the top scoring batsman out, right on the middle stump. Those supporting the batsman groaned in disbelief as the batsman was on the verge of scoring 200.
Hello! My name is Snowy. I'm a white cat and I live with my owneRs, Ruth, Peter and their daughters, Gwen, Quin and Queenie. Today, the girls (just Quin and Queenie) were playing with their toy cars while Gwen went with Mother to a party at the park on her micro scooter. When Quin and Queenie went to eat their lunch, they left their toy cars all over the floor, likely for someone to slip.... - and someone did very well slip. Dad was walking all around the house looking for his book and he was too busy grumbling that he took no notice of all the toy cars and slipped! "Ow ow ow!" he cried. "This feels like at a chiro-practor!" The next moment the 2 girls were rushing over and helped him sit on the sofa. "This must be yours" said Dad pulling a pink car out of his hood and gave it to Queenie. By the time Gwen came back, to her surprise, Dad was lying on the sofa snoring loudly.
It's always a good idea to clear up toys scattered over the floor
This is my version:
MRs Carter left her handbag on the seat when she left the clinic. But straight away one of the staff popped out after her holding the bag. "Is this yours?", she asked. Mrs Carter was so grateful. "I do appreciate the kindness and attentiveness you staff at the chiro clinic give to us patients - bless you", Mrs Carter replied. After lunch, she went out to see what wild creatures she could spot that day. She finished up in a marshy area where she spotted a strange creature popping out into the open. She gasped at the ugly looking animal. She managed to get a photo. From the photo she was able to identify it as a star-nosed mole. Reading all she could find about it, she discovered that, whilst at the macro level it was rather ugly, at the micro level the structure of its quirky nose was quite beautiful.
Bouncy was going to the beach with his owner, Heather. They set of in the car and arrived 45 mins later. Bouncy bounded over to the sea the moment he was LeT out of the car whilE his owner was left to set up the picnic blanket. Bouncy suddenly spotted a cleft in the cliff and longed to explore. He imagined himself flying a plane and discovering an unknown place. But that was interrupted by Heather beckoning him over for lunch.
Bouncy having to go back to Heather for lunch
This is my version:
There was a Loud claTtEring sound as the carpenter knocked his plane on the floor, narrowly missing his foot. Having checked the plane it seemed unscathed apart from the need realigning. But when he tried to use it again he got a splinter from the handle. On closer inspection there was a ragged cleft in the wooden handle.
"Finally! Were here!", Blinked Lyla jumping down from Ron's back.
"Says the one who didn't work a sweat on getting here!", panted Ron. Lyla, Ron, Daisy and Doc were all flying squirrels trying to find a brilliant new home. While Ron complained about how heavy Lyla was and how they should have boarded a plane here instead, Daisy and Doc tried to find a tree to set up camp. Daisy and Doc were carrying all their things while Ron had Lyla.
"That tree looks good enough?", cried Daisy pointing at a big, shiny, sturdy oak tree. So while Doc and Daisy planned the glide across a brilliant green glade, Lyla polished off her pink decal which had a picture of a cat on it. Just before they had left, Lyla suddenly cried out, "Ow I'm not comfy Ron, move your arm". Lyla spoke to him as if he was a slave "Look over there!", called out Lyla once they had landed and were setting up camp. She was pointing to a huge lake finished by a dazzling waterfall in the distance. "Look at that place. That's another adventure just round the corner", Smirked Doc, him too staring longingly at it. "It looks almost alive!", breathed Daisy. "Other animals are settled here too", pointed out Ron staring at at a herd of sheep, each had a long blade of fresh grass in their mouths. If you look at the place from high up, it would look like a giant scale of green hills and fields all over. Once they had finished unpacking, Doc lit a brilliant fire as they dug into cold cheese sandwiches and had a chocolate flake each. The fire began to blaze even more and one flame blazed much brighter than the other flames. When the water was passed round, Ron was the most relived to slake his thirst since he had been gliding with Lyla on his back.
One of the four flying squirrels heading to a new location
This is my version:
SamueL ChAdwick startEd his adult life a very wealthy man. He lived in comfort, but when it comes to doing anything worthwhile he's a bit of a flake. His idle life led him to become a slave to drink. But after a year, and to everyone's amazement, Samuel started going to AA meetings. Since starting the AA meetings, on the rare occasions when he has a stressful day, to slake his thirst he has to resort to zero-beers. One day he bumped into Jessica, an old flame of his and they stopped to have a catch up. They kept in contact that week at the end of which they decided to have a short holiday together. But just before they boarded the plane a problem was spotted with a blade of the propellor. So instead of heading to a fancy location, they went to a pretty glade in Samuel's big garden where there was a fire pit. Pretty soon there was a splendid blaze going making the place quite special; they stayed there whilst the sun set. Within weeks they were engaged. Samuel started to turn away from his idleness. He volunteered at an after school club for disadvantaged children where he taught them his hobby of building model aeroplanes and other vehicles which then had to be painted. Once the paint was dry it was time to apply each individual decal from the backing paper. He talked to them about the meaning of the scale of the models. He developed quite a few fans amongst the children of the club. (He, of course, paid for all the model kits.) After the wedding, he would often say to Jessica how alive he felt now that she was around and saying how much she'd done to give him a sense of purpose in his life.
Samuel's low point when he first attended an AA meeting
"RACOONS! Get out of my shed!" bellowed Mrs Grand shooing 4 stripy racoons into the dark Lawn. The racoons turned around, their beady, bulgy eyes stared back as they hissed in annoyance at Mrs Grand. Mrs Grand was in a particularly bad mood today. Grumpy old Mr Stone had said something that had annoyed Mrs Grand and set off her bad mood. The thing he really said was "stop prancing and twirling around and that silly name I don't think it's grand at all!". And the thing that Mrs Grand cried back was "How dare you sully my wonderful name!" Now this started a shouting quarrel and you could hear it whether you were drilling a bulky screw into a large plank of wood or if you were quietly placing a candle onto your doily.
Mrs Grand and Mr Stone yelling at each other
This is my version:
Lucille laid out the table for her guests. Each fine china serving plate for the sandwiches and cakes had a lace doily on to impress the guests. There was even a couple of 3-tier plates set with a handle on top. "What about some pot noodles, or a big variety bag of crisps?", asked Freya, her young daughter, trying to be helpful. "I'm afraid not dear", replied Lucille, "that would sully the whole atmosphere I'm hoping to create". Part way through the party, Freya was looking decidedly bulgy and Lucille suspected (rightly) that Freya was stuffing her pockets with some of the food. When Lucille had a chance, she challenged Freya about the food she had. "I'm only trying to protect that really bulky lady from eating any more food - she looks like she's had too much already", replied Freya. Lucille couldn't help chuckling and relieved Freya of her burden.